Birth Place: Born in Baton Rouge, Louisiana.
Education: Graduate of the University of North Texas – BBA – Banking & Finance.
Memberships & postions held include the following: Member of The Silverlake Church, Life Member of The Omega Psi Phi Fraternity Inc. and charter member of the Rho Beta Beta Graduate Chapter; Life member of the NAACP; annually participated in campaign fundraising leadership roles at ExxonMobil Pipeline Company with the UNCF Walk A Thon and United Way Day of Caring campaigns; Works on UNCF Walk A Thon with his fraternity’s grad chapter each year; Became a Prince Hall mason in 1985. Past Worshipful Master of John D. Paley Lodge # 620 in Baytown, Texas, and Attentive Ear Lodge # 350 in Stafford, Texas. Also served as Scholarship Chairman for Attentive Ear Lodge # 350; Currently serves as District #16 Scholarship Chairman for the M.W.P.H.G.L. of Texas as well as serves as the Credentials Chairman during annual sessions; Past Potentate of Doric Shrine Temple # 76; Past Deputy of the Desert of the State of Texas-Prince Hall Shriners; Camp Director – Robert E. Connor Jr. Prince Hall Masonic Youth Camp; Thirty-Third Degree Mason.
Employment: Retired from ExxonMobil Pipeline Company as an Operations Supervisor in the Texas Chemicals Area after 36-1/2 years service.
Family: Married to Mrs. Cheryl Brown were they are the parent of two children. They are also the owners of CHED Financial Services Inc. located in Houston, Texas.